Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Happy Legacy {Personal:Inspiration}

In the photography world there is constant talk of inspiration. It's true that so many things inspire us all in what we do. Beauty, art, music. I go to blogs and websites of people I don't even know and find new and fresh ways to think of photography and life. With out a doubt, my biggest inspiration come from photos of people I care about. There is something about this picture of my Grandma and Grandpa Shorey in Japan as missionaries. Kids tagging along behind, like little happy ducklings. Thrilled to be faithfully sharing Gods grace and love as a family. It's love and life in action, preserved for future generations to bring faces and clarity to the stories told time after time. Photos like this and many others bring life to a story and legacy of joy and grace. I am thrilled to have it.
I want you to have beautiful photographs that your grandchildren will be thrilled to have. It is always my goal to photograph you in a real and genuine way. It's such a joy and unique privilege.

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