Monday, February 6, 2012

Valentines + Photos



You’re not the only one who is a bit unsure what to get your love for valentines day. Bill and I tend to not know either. It can make you feel like a failure of a romantic when you don’t have just the right something to give your guy or girl to say how much you love them. I’m not a hater of valentines day, because I don’t think there is anything wrong with having a set apart day to very intentionally say “I love you” - especially if you say it every other day as well- I also never complain about chocolate or tasty dinner out. On the other hand it can cause so much pressure to come up with something special on february 14th... when maybe it just isn’t the day this month. You know? And that’s ok.

That being said, I think a photo session is a super option. I love taking pictures of couples. I so often photograph a family where the mom and dad say - “we haven’t had a picture of just the two of us since our wedding!” It’s so good to have happy, beautiful pictures with the person you love the most. Whether you’re dating, engaged, married a few years or a bunch of years. It’s so good and each stage so sweet. I guarantee you'd be happy you did it. It's fun to have pretty pictures of yourselves.






Please contact me if you’re interested or share this with people who you think may be. Seriously facebook share, tweet... whatever floats your boat. I’m offering a special price of $125 if you schedule between now and valentine’s day!

Hope you’re all having a nice sunny Monday. It’s a good day- enjoy it!

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